Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

We had a blast in Scotland, England and Wales. We went for 10 days - from June 17-July 1 and visited Grand dad and family in North Wales, then zipped down to the Isle of Wight to see Auntie Sr. Claire and then up to Scotland for some....rain and fog.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring has sprung!!!

I am moving on to a new chapter of my life....rice cereal!!!!

"Hey, guys, wait for me!! I can't crawl yet!"

"What is this? A skirt?"

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

We celebrated the day with a parade in Old Town Manassas, where Ben participated with his cub scout pack. It was a wonderful parade, although not very warm outside! However, we loved all the Irish Dancers, bagpipes, and St. Pat himself!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Four months later...

Sometimes, it takes a mom with four kids awhile to update the blog.....

Hope is now 4 months old and the kids are halfway done with the school year.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hope has arrived!

It has been almost four months since Hope arrived on Halloween of 2008...and finally, I am updating the blog! She arrived at 10:34pm after 7 hours of labor.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Scotland comes to...Manassas!

On Saturday night, we went to Old Town Manassas to see the Washington Scottish Pipe Band and dancers. It was a fantastic show!

Ben hopes handi-wipes will get rid of the bugs....

The Pipers and dancers...

Check out that face!!!

Dylan is enjoying my mom's brownies the most!

Bull Run Battle 147th Anniversary

Shadows of the kids in the "Stone House" on a scavenger hunt.

Listening intently to our (wonderful) tour guide. She was telling the kids about a ghost at the house.

Views out the windows...

Ben taking a breather...

The soldiers prepare to start firing. (blanks, I hope!)

Boys will be boys. On this solemn occasion, Ben and Dylan....wrestle.

We talked to this guy for about 20 minutes about horses. He sure knew a lot!